Emmanuel Bronner, born in 1908, represents the third generation of master soapmakers of the German-Jewish Bronner family, originally from southern Germany. In 1929 Emmanuel emigrated to America and brought his soap formulas with him, giving life to Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap in its current form.
Very famous for their quality, versatility and high attention to the environment, Dr. Bronner's soaps begin to obtain high success from the first years of activity. Since the 60s sales begin to take off due to the high quality and ecology of the product together with the motto of Dr. Bronner, contained in the label, for the realization of a transcendent unity above all religious divisions and ethnic. Word of mouth made Dr. Bronner's soap famous, used and sponsored by hippies, pacifists and civil rights activists.
In the following years it spread to every organic shop in the United States and subsequently became the best-selling organic soap in North America. Today the fourth and fifth generation of the Bronner family continue to produce unmatched soaps with the same attention and moral integrity. 2008 marks the 60th anniversary of Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps in America and the 150th anniversary of the first traditional master soap business in southern Germany. The Bronner family continues to honor their tradition today by implementing a progressive business model, dedicating the company's profits to worthy causes and charities around the world.
“ALL-ONE our world, our nature, our mission.”