Who among us doesn't know the story of Ali Baba?
I assure you: not in this verse.
Back in the day, in a city of Naples, two brothers lived: Qassim and Alì Baba. When their father, a man of modest resources, passed into the mercy of the Lord, the two brothers, in equal parts, divided the assets left by their parent. Of course, the inheritance did not improve the condition of the two brothers much, because the assets left by their father were very little, but Qassim was far luckier, as he met and married a young woman from a "good family".
Ali Baba instead lived in a poor house, after having married a poor woman like him and his only wealth was that of owning three donkeys. One ordinary day, while he was climbing the climbs to reach the summit of Monte Somma, he heard a dull noise approaching.
He thought about the horses' hooves and, since that place was devoid of passageways and very lonely, he immediately feared it was a gang of galloping thieves. He was absolutely right, but his mind was so quick and clear that he allowed him to climb onto the branch of a tree to keep himself hidden.
They approached and he counted them all: exactly forty, forty thieves. The leader of the band, in the deafening silence of the others, shouted: "Open sesame!" and, as soon as he said these words, a rock turned on itself and moved, giving way to a small gap where all forty, in single file, began to descend. Ali Baba remained incredulous and intrigued and, as soon as they all came out of that strange place and then moved away, he came down from the tree. He was too curious to know what was in that strange place and he remembered the words said by one of the forty thieves, so that the rock would move and allow him entry.
With anxious curiosity, he began to slowly descend and, once the soles of his shoes stepped on the last step, his eyes were left incredulous to look at what he was seeing before him.
There were chests full of coins and blindingly golden stones, but he focused on what, in his opinion, was even more precious. In a small corner, almost set aside, thousands of Neapolitan babás still to be immersed in rum. The scent was so strong it made his mouth water and he immediately rushed to them. I eat one... two... three... Then he stopped to think.
He thought about his people, those who didn't have riches just like him and, without hesitation, he took a couple of bags brought from home to fill them with wood and instead began to put dozens and dozens of those magnificent sweets with the irresistible smell inside.

Top Rhum, candied orange, lemon zest
Baba Heart, Cloves, Patchouli
Base notes Vanilla pods, Cedar wood, Amber, Musk
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