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Cerchi Nell'Acqua Birthday Cake


Imagine the warmth of childhood nostalgia, the joyful anticipation that fills the air as candles flicker on a sumptuously decorated cake. This scent is a symphony of sensory delights, capturing the essence of freshly baked birthday cakes with unparalleled precision..BRAND: CERCHINELLACQUA


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Cerchi Nell'Acqua Birthday Cake exclusive edition


Extrait de Parfum, 100ml. Concentration of essential oils: 44%

In the heart of the magic of perfumes, where memories come to life and emotions dance lightly on every note, there is a perfume that goes beyond the ordinary, embracing the extraordinary essence of the celebration.

Enter the enchanted world of Enrico Buccella's exclusive edition: "Birthday cake".

Imagine the warmth of childhood nostalgia, the joyful anticipation that fills the air as candles flicker on a sumptuously decorated cake. This scent is a symphony of sensory delights, capturing the essence of freshly baked birthday cakes with unparalleled precision.

At the first spray, a cloud of creamy sweetness envelops you, reminiscent of exquisite vanilla frosting generously spread on layers of moist cake. The aroma dances playfully in the air, caressing the senses with whispers of whipped cream and buttery richness.

As the perfume settles on the skin, subtle nuances emerge, each layer revealing itself like the unraveling of a precious gift. Hints of caramelized sugar lend a golden warmth that lingers on the skin like a fond memory.

With each spray, "Birthday Cake" becomes more than just a perfume: it becomes a journey through time, a celebration of life's sweetest moments captured in a bottle. Worn alone or layered with other scents, it is a reminder that every day is a cause for celebration, every moment an opportunity to enjoy the simple pleasures that make life truly delightful.

Join us on an unprecedented sensory adventure, where the magic of birthdays is bottled and ready to be savored with every sprinkle of "Birthday cake". Indulge your senses, awaken your spirit and let the celebrations begin. After all, life is too short not to have your cake and wear it too.



Olfactory notes
Whipped cream, vanilla, sugar


Cerchi Nell'Acqua

Enrico Buccella

Cerchi nell'Acqua

A collection of fragrances that owes its name to their roundness. An unusual way of smelling the perfume that immediately presents itself in its completeness. No longer an olfactory pyramid, but an odorous energy that delicately expands like circles in water in a round and constant way.

It presents chords that allow you to range 360 ​​degrees, inspired by memory, affections and the purest imagination.

Exclusive handcrafted fragrances
Niche fragrances created by Enrico Buccella, a nose perfumer originally from Umbria. They are characterized by a very high persistence given by the large quantity of essential oils present in all collections (above 20%).

The ideal choice for those who want a unique, selective, rare fragrance that leaves a trail.





Why choose Amyris

Amyris wants to guide you in this fantastic world of essence seekers, dreamers, artists. Raw materials from exotic worlds or fragrances that remind us of past times; Sensory dimensions capable of unleashing intense and different feelings and moods.The care we put into our work is consequent to the awareness of selling, even before artistic perfumes, emotions and sensations that will remain linked to those who buy them or those who receive them as a gift.The continuous search for the best fragrances, direct knowledge with perfumers and the passion that drives us are certainly the best guarantee when you choose Amyris: a complete service that wants you to discover the world of essences. We offer a free sample service, as well as samples to choose from with each purchase. If the perfume is for a special occasion, we will take care of presenting it with the appropriate packaging. We are available for all your doubts or curiosities.
We want to be by your side on this intriguing journey.

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